“I’m telling you my story because so many people haven’t survived to tell their own.”
–Bad Theology Kills
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Without apology or hesitation, Kevin shares their story of being queer and Christian. They directly discuss the fears that many queer religious folx have, but are too intimidated by their community to address directly. This book is part biography, part theology. Through a combination of brutal honesty, a bit of humor, and an incredible depth of compassion, Kevin guides their readers through the process of creating a life-giving theology of their own. I cannot recommend this book enough.
-An Actual Amazon Review
Why am I telling you that story? Why did I give you my big gay sob story at the front end of a book about bad theology?
I'm telling you my story because not everyone has survived to tell theirs.
I'm telling you my story so you can get just a glimpse of what I mean what I say when I say "bad theology kills." When I say that bad theology kills, I mean, I attempted suicide twice. I mean, I spent most of my life hating myself and abusing my body with drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of my self-disgust. I mean that on the other side of therapy and two years of meds, I still have days I doubt I want to live.
I mean that every day somewhere, there's a queer kid who is getting picked on by someone else, and that queer kid is going to think about jumping from that bridge, pushing that knife just a little deeper than they did the last time, eating whatever pills from their cabinet they find and not waking up.
I mean that there are still countries in our world who outlaw queer relationships and expression and punish it with death. Many of these countries were influenced heavily by Christian money.
I mean that unarmed black people are getting shot by police and facing zero consequences.
I mean that trans women of color are being massacred and no one is talking about it.
I mean that babies are being ripped from their mothers' arms, humans trying to flee from terror are being put in cages at the border, and a president is allowing it to happen.
I mean that a white man walked into a black church in Charleston and killed nine black people with a gun, a teen walked into a high school in Florida and killed seventeen people with an assault rifle, a man walked into a gay club and killed 49 brown queer people with an assault rifle, a man walked into Sandyhook elementary and killed 20 babies and six adults with a gun.
I mean that the US government cares more about protecting a single c
ell in a human body than it does about the woman who was raped.
I mean that there is an alarming number of missing indigenous women, and no one can find them.
I mean that families are kicking kids out of their homes when they tell them about who they are.
I mean that Leah Alcorn stepped in front of a semi-truck on the highway because her family wouldn't call her by her name.
I mean that bad theology is killing all of us.
And… I still have hope.” -From Bad Theology Kills