I spent most of my life being afraid of God.
I was a closeted Queer person who was deeply Christian. I loved God and my family and was afraid of going to literal hell, not realizing that the way I was living, hiding who I was away from those I loved, was already hell. None of what I was doing was sustainable, and I thought, “There has to be a different way of doing this, of being human, of being a person of faith… There has to be more.”
The best part? I was right.
Let me show you what I mean…
Hi. I’m Kevin.
I’m a Spiritual Director,
a mystical theologian+ practitioner,
an author / speaker,
and I help folks find the practices that change their lives.
Over the past few years of serving as a spiritual director and coach for dozens of individuals, my practice, methods, and teaching styles have evolved to suit our quickly changing world. I’ve learned that practice is way more important than theory, and learning about why we believe what we do is as important as interrogating the belief statements themself.
Regardless of where you’ve been, what you’ve walked through, what you’ve done or left undone, there is nothing that can stand in the way of you experiencing Love in the here and now.
Spirituality + faith should be a tool for liberation and healing, never shame or rejection. My work focuses on helping you create a spiritual practice rooted in ancient wisdom and authentic to your soul.
This is one of my former students, Josh Overbay. He shares how working together moved him from being unsure of God’s love for him to it being the center of his being.
👈 Watch this. 👈
MJ had a tenuous relationship with spirituality before, being hurt by the church and bad theology. Listen to how she shares how her new practices helped he find peace!
Watch this. 👉
Leah was a grad student when we began our work together. Her practice transformed her life and her relationship with her work and purpose.
👈 Watch this.
Your spiritual life should not be boring.
Your practices should not make you feel shame.
Your faith should not call you unworthy.
Many of us grew up in spaces where asking questions was not okay, where curiosity was stifled, and where a difference of opinion was not acceptable. We learned to feel ashamed of our desires, our needs, our bodies, our sexualities, our expression and our innate longing for connection to one another, to our Bodies, and to God. So many of us carry scars from the places we’ve left behind. Some of us are still trying to leave it behind.
Beloved, hear this: it is absolutely possible to leave fear behind, embrace Love, and create a spiritual life filled with wonder, peace, and joy. And I’m going to show you how.

You deserve a life filled with Joy.
It is your birthright as a Child of God. (And you are a Child of God if you didn’t know already.) My work is centered on helping folks like you rediscover their infinite connection to Love, create and reform spiritual practices that make sense and feel good, heal from past hurts, and imagine a future filled with joy, fulfillment, peace, connection, and groundedness.
if you feel stuck in your spiritual life
if you need to make a significant life change
if you can’t reconcile your faith and sexuality
if you are struggling to talk about your sexuality or gender
if you can’t shake the shame of your past
if you desire to come out of the closet
if you miss God or can’t figure out how to reconnect to Spirit
if you are deconstructing or reconstructing your faith
if you are need of spiritual direction
if you have no idea what you want out of life
let’s talk.
If you want to know what I’m about, watch this video:

Here’s what one of my clients said about working together…
My time spent working with Kevin was transformative. I went into the coaching process unsure if I was worth the investment or even capable of reaching the goals we set together. I knew I was on the brink of some important self-discovery surrounding my relationship to my gender, sexuality, and faith life, but couldn't quite get to it on my own.
As a queer person of faith, I frequently noticed an absence of resources when it came to navigating the intersection of faith, body, sexuality, and gender. I felt a true lack of space in my faith community for all I was attempting to work through, but trying to shed my religious framework proved unsuccessful. Kevin, having done similar work themself, was the perfect guide in my time of uncertainty. They gave me permission to ask the hard questions of myself and others, and, most crucially, to be unafraid of the answers.
They didn't do the work for me, but rather supported and encouraged me as I learned to believe in myself.
Over the months I spent working with Kevin, I made incredible strides. I began to speak my truth and ask for what I need without fear, knowing that difficult responses did not reflect on my ability to be loved in the way I had been previously convinced of. Working with Kevin was, in many ways, a softening process. In doing the work of becoming more gentle toward my own questioning and searching, I found that I was much more able to extend that same kindness to others. By the end of our work together, I found myself more curious, courageous, and compassionate than I ever thought possible.
— Peggy from Minnesota.

Here’s what some of my other clients have said…
“I am so grateful for @theKevinGarcia_. I don’t know how I’d be navigating life without them alongside, helping me realize things about myself, heal, grow, and establish healthy boundaries and interactions with others, express emotions & needs, and figure out my love of Jesus despite my side eye towards most of the church & Christianity. “
“Seriously, if you need help with life, love, deconstruction, whatever, @theKevinGarcia_ is such a wonderful teammate in your winding journey. I’m serious, go see them about coaching!”
“Kevin weaves spirituality together with his intuitive gifting to shed new light on the meaning of your personal reality. He holds that space with equal parts listening and speaking in a way that shares power and casts light forward. He’s kind, gentle, informative, and encouraging.
“What makes it exceptionally powerful though, is his authentic love of the truth...as a person he is someone who very obviously and authentically seeks the truth, loving and embracing every shade of the truth… Time spent with Kevin is a spiritually purposeful, important grace and I would say even a practice to pursue. It’s of this world and not of this world; the dollar amount is not even close to what Kevin should be paid for this service.”
-Jen H.
“The words that Kevin has are for healing. I’ve been learning that I am sovereign, and I finally understand that God never left me. Learning consistency in a ritual and meditative practice absolutely changed my life. Without a doubt, working with Kevin was one of the best decisions of my life.”
-Tomas R.
Ready to change your life friend? Let’s hop on a call and talk about how we can get your life back.
What are you waiting for?
You could be living the life you want to right now. I know you can. Let me show you how you can undo your toxic beliefs and reclaim your spiritual authority, your infinite connection to Love, and your most authentic and joy-filled life.
Let’s talk about money for a second…
Everything is on a sliding scale and everyone can enroll in a payment plan that works best for them.
I believe that the financial side of this is as important to get right as the functional side, and that the best way to guarantee healthy financial movement is through clear and invitingly open conversation.
In practice, here's what that means:
Before you even finish your application, you’ll know the base investment needed to participate. If that doesn’t feel good, I’ll recommend other programs or offerings that might suit your budget better. Nbd.
With that in mind, when we begin exploring working together, I will talk about what program or coaching package I believe would work best for you, and share with you the pricing based on what I know about you and what you share in the application. If the price feels good to you, you pay it – no further conversation needed.
If the price we suggest doesn't feel good, we discuss! You tell me what price does feel good to you. This is important: the price I suggested was based on the best knowledge we had, but I’m not claiming to know your entire story. In this part of the conversation, I rely on you to improve my knowledge of what's right for you, by asking you specifically what price you'll feel good paying.
My turn! If I can meet you at that number, I will, and we all proceed. If we can't, then we'll talk about that too – it'll be our turn to execute step 3.
A note about “what feels good”:
When talking about numbers, it’s that sweet spot where you feel you’re appropriately investing in something. Only you know what that number is for you, where you’re neither straining yourself to afford the thing, nor paying a number that represents undervaluing what you receive. If that gives you pause, it’s okay. Take a minute and feel it out. :)
That's the entire policy. I apply this in my one-to-one coaching and cohort programs, as well as any other more in-depth engagement.
I license this policy under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Learn more about where I got this pricing policy here.